Preparation for Umrah

In Arabic, Umrah means “visit” but according to the Shari`ah it means “to visit the sacred house of God”. Performing Umrah is an emotional experience that brings peace and tranquility to the pilgrim. At IBAC Travel, we understand that Umrah is a special experience that cannot be clouded by logistical worries. You cannot divide your attention between the spiritual and material worlds if you wish to truly focus your energies. You must be at peace within to reflect on Allah with a clear mind and a pure heart. Which is why IBAC eliminates all your travel related stress and lets you concentrate on the more important matters of the soul.
Cleansing & Purifying Yourself
Before you reach Al-Miqat, you must cleanse yourself to prepare for the holy state of ihram. If you are dirty from your travels, you must make ghusl to freshen up. Take a shower or wash up using perfumes and oils. You may trim your nails and hair at this stage if required as those who are in ihram are forbidden from nail or hair cutting once they have donned the pilgrim’s garb.

Forbidden Activities After ihram

  1. Do not use perfumed items like scented soaps, oils, shampoos and perfumes
  2. Sexual activities are forbidden
  3. Shoes, gloves and socks are forbidden – sandals are allowed
  4. Do not cause physical harm to others
  5. Do not raise your voice, issue orders, fight or quarrel
  6. Do not kill animals or insects except the ones that harm people
  7. Do not uproot trees or plants
  8. Do not use make-up

Donning The Pilgrim’s Garb

All airlines flying directly to Makkah make an announcement before they land, to allow pilgrims the chance to change and freshen up. Men must put on a clean, white, seemless two-piece garment of ihram also known as izar and rida. The garment must not extend below the knees. Women can wear whatever clean clothes they have available or don a special white garment after ghusl. They must be completely covered with only the face and hands left uncovered